
Bringing the world together through music.


This is your orchestra.


Founded on education and involvement

Where many orchestras have commendable community programs and initiatives, OrchestraOne is founded on it. Every event we hold, including our concert experiences, is developed and curated with our communities at its heart. We are dedicated to continually exploring the world around us in an effort to bring the power of music to as many people as possible in a meaningful, positive way.


Listening to our communities

Our philosophy is that in order to develop meaningful relationships and effect lasting change, we must ask the right questions and listen to our communities. We partner with community leaders in order to identify organizations who would benefit from collaborating with OrchestraOne and curate unique programs that fit their wants and needs.

If you are a community leader, member of an organization or simply an individual who feels you would benefit from partnering with OrchestraOne, please reach out here!


A new concert experience

We are dedicated to making all of our concerts and events remarkable. We perform in unique and interesting venues throughout New York City, and are dedicated to creating a holistic, exciting, welcoming and inclusive environment.

We shift the traditional performance paradigm by tearing down any and all barriers between the orchestra and audience, and encourage freedom of movement and interaction with the music. Our conductor and artists will lead interactive talks, lectures, improvisations and much more before, during and after the concert.

Our concerts are first and foremost collective community experiences aimed at bringing the audience and the orchestra together. We give our audiences the tools they need to extract the meaning in every work we perform.


Inclusive and accessible

In our effort to make world class performances and well-curated educational programs available to all, we are wholly dedicated to making sure that our events are inclusive, accessible and welcoming to every member of our community.


Special Edition Score Club!

Week One

Pre-Civil War music from people of the African Diaspora


Welcome to our first week of our special edition Score Club, exploring the history of African American Music in the United States.

Our first week dives into the music, art and literature that peoples from the African Diaspora were creating prior to the Civil War. Next week, we will move forward to 19th century music during and after the Civil War. Click below for week one!


Composer Spotlight, Week One!



In addition to our Special Edition Score Club weekly blasts, we will be giving composer spotlights each week, brought to you by OrchestraOne’s own Emma Schmiedecke. These spotlights will focus on the lives and music of African American and Native American female composers. First up is the Native American composer Zitkala-Ša/Gertrude Simmons


Score Club Special Edition!


Week two

The evolution and influence of African American music in the 19th century during and after the Civil War


In the second week of OrchestraOne’s Score Club Special Edition, we move into the 19th century and explore the evolution and influence of African American music during and after the Civil War.  

We are so  grateful to have a specialist in this area, Dr. James Davis, (Ph.D, Boston University) professor of musicology at SUNY Fredonia help guide us through this complex period via video conversation with our Music Director, Eric Mahl. This is truly a remarkable journey and we are so glad to take it with you! Click below


Composer Spotlight, week two!

Florence Price #1.jpg

Florence Price

Week two of our special composer spotlight series focusing on Women of Color, brought to you by OrchestraOne’s own Emma Schmiedecke!

This week, we focus on one of the most influential African American composers of the 20th century, Florence Price.


BONUS Composer Spotlight!


Duke Ellington

BONUS Composer Spotlight! We still have one more composer spotlight coming out next week, but we are glad to present a bonus this week on one of the most influential American Musicians of all time, Duke Ellington!

We are so glad to be able to present one of his quintessential early works, Echoes of Harlem, performed by OrchestraOne members Sasha Ono, Tiffany Weiss, and Brianne Lugo as well as Emily Frederick and Dom Frigo. Together, they and others form the Lotus Chamber Collective, a remarkable collective that aims to strengthen communities through music. (Click here to learn more about them!)

Echoes of Harlem by Duke Ellington arr. Mimi Robson Tiffany Weiss, Violin 1 Emily Frederick, Violin 2 Brianne Lugo, Viola Sasha Ono, Cello Dom Frigo, Bass **...


Score Club Special Edition!


Week three

Welcome back everyone! As we move forward into the 20th century, we encourage all of you to take this weeks’ Special Edition Score Club in slowly. It’s a big one with a wealth of information about some of the greatest American Composers and musicians. 

We broke this week down into three sections to aid in this: Classical Music in the first half of the century; Classical Music in the second half of the century; and the roots and evolution of Jazz. Our timeline provides some references as to what was happening during that time in the Civil Rights movement and other key historical events. Enjoy!


Composer Spotlight


Margaret Bonds

Welcome to our fourth Composer Spotlight! This week, we get to know Margaret Bonds, an immensely influential 20th century composer and musician, who we spoke briefly about in our Special Edition Score Club last week. This week’s Composer Spotlight is brought to you again by OrchestraOne’s Emma Schmiedecke.


Score Club Special Edition!


Contemporary Music

Welcome to our fourth and final installment of our Special Edition Score Club! This week we explore the music of contemporary (living) African American composers/performers in Classical music and Jazz.

Today, there are innumerable different styles ranging from Neo-classical, Minimalism, Avant-garde, Jazz, popular and everything in between. We hope this week to give you a sampling of some of these unique styles in our contemporary musical world.


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